About me

I work as a Senior Data Scientist in a financial services company.
My work is focused on developing financial prediction models for existing and prospective clients.
Prior to this, I worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Houston worked with Dr. Rakesh Verma and Dr. Arjun Mukherjee. I completed PhD in Computational Science at the University of Southern Mississippi under the supervison of Dr. Andrew H. Sung. Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data mining, and related techniques play a pivotal role in my research on medical image processing for diabetic retinopathy, information diffusion in social media, Goal-oriented Chabot, and Machine Unlearning.

Curriculum Vitae

Please download the CV here:

Research Projects

SETI Institute Affiliate

  1. Working on the NASA Meteor Shower web portal project, which helps the user to browse through aggregated meteor, star, and constellation data from different stations in the past few years. Please visit: https://meteorshowers.seti.org

  2. Contributed to CAMS-Net Meteor Detector ablation analysis, implementing deep learning models and attention mechanism.